Mr. Tharoor, an Indian MP recently wrote an article "Modi's Chauvinism Problem. The article was published on renowned international forum, Project Syndicate. Tharoor questions that stance of the PM, the actions of his party members and the general mayhem existing post May 2014 elections.
The full article can be read on here
Here is my response to Mr. Tharoor, also posted on the comments section of the website
Mr. Tharoors remarks and anecdotes quoted cannot be denied. He very rightly points out that the Prime Minister finds himself in "an unenviable position vis-à-vis his own supporters".
However does Mr. Tharoor as member of the congress party, which wilfully made the Rajya Sabha dysfunctional during the winter session has the moral right to raise these concerns?
It can be said with some certainty that the government did not steam roll into action, a tall promise they had made during their campaign. However every pro-development/ growth legislation was not even discussed in the house of parliament. The mockery which the congress party made using conniving tactics that exploit the loopholes in the west-minister model is disgraceful.
While there is a strong need as an opposition party to raise concerns against acts and people who harm the secular fabric of the country. There is also a need to reflect on own action. Mr. Tharoor very well knows that "if you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem"
The full article can be read on here
Here is my response to Mr. Tharoor, also posted on the comments section of the website
Mr. Tharoors remarks and anecdotes quoted cannot be denied. He very rightly points out that the Prime Minister finds himself in "an unenviable position vis-à-vis his own supporters".
However does Mr. Tharoor as member of the congress party, which wilfully made the Rajya Sabha dysfunctional during the winter session has the moral right to raise these concerns?
It can be said with some certainty that the government did not steam roll into action, a tall promise they had made during their campaign. However every pro-development/ growth legislation was not even discussed in the house of parliament. The mockery which the congress party made using conniving tactics that exploit the loopholes in the west-minister model is disgraceful.
While there is a strong need as an opposition party to raise concerns against acts and people who harm the secular fabric of the country. There is also a need to reflect on own action. Mr. Tharoor very well knows that "if you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem"