Friday, October 12, 2012


Today was my first day in the position of "Own Boss" at Blah Blah!

Jokes apart I was officially off my last assignment end of last month but the cycling trip has taken most of my time since then. Having come back yesterday from Goa, the trip was just sinking in yesterday. Also there were errands to meet so yesterday I did not realise that I was not on any job. Today the feeling has completely sunk in. And it has been a wonderful day. Fortunately or not I had just one meeting scheduled for today and even that got cancelled. So I was completely on my own doing things at my pace the complete day.

I realize that there is actually so much time in a a day and there is so much that can be done. There is nothing painstakingly big on my to do list now and also things are not coming to my mind from all directions that should have been done today. It is a wonderful feeling to have. Also the universes' conspiracy continues, I came across some good articles. made some long pending phone calls and was able to speak to each of the people I intended to. I wrote because I wanted to write and was retweeted because it was worth it :)

I do not want to get very philosophical and in the end it has been just a day. But I am happy with the way it has turned out to be and sets me on the right path.

Completely random but I wanted to capture this awesome line that I read in an article today "I choose not to vacation idly inside a bubble of self-assurance when I could instead be on my most vulnerable edge, challenged in how I define the world"